Lots of people around me, particularly some of my friends and extended family members could not understand why I left the job even before getting a new job. I guess most of you would also deem me as a crazy girl and could have thought that I'm too much of a daddy's little girl character who couldn't suffer, or perhaps survive in the working environment. The impression on me wasn't really that important, but I reckon there's something worthy sharing here.
I may have complained a lot lately, either about the bloody company or the stingy and ego big boss, but the final decision of leaving the company was also due to personal reasons. Well, just a simple situational question to ask before we continue on this. Have you ever felt lost...feeling like there's suddenly no sense of direction in life? It's like, you've been diligently doing your best at work, just continue working, working and working, without realizing that you are actually not happy with what you are doing....and most importantly, you don't even know whether you are on the right track of where you wanted to go (initially) and where you are heading next.
You realized that all these while, you were too busy at work...waking up early to go to office and leaving the second home late at night. You seldom have the time to think for your personal growth or improvement coz when you reach home, all you can think of is the comfort of your bed. I thought taking a few days off will improve the feeling or rather the situation but it didn't help. I have probably overworked for the past one year and have stretched myself exceeding my own limits without realizing it. So, what I needed was a short break. Thus, I decided to put a pause on this journey and stop to ponder on what I have done and what I should do next...rather than continue working blindly, just for the sake of getting some money each month to pay bills (erm, don't get me started on the issue about low salary...!)
What I am not comfortable with was the questions most people threw at me when they hear that I am currently jobless. "So, have you found any job? How are you going to survive?" I understand most of them are just being caring and I am thankful for that but what I don't understand is why most people think that you are doomed when you are not working for other people? I may still be searching for a job and also doing something beneficial at the same time (will share with you next time...) but the issue of yours truly not being hired doesn't put a full stop to my life. Duhhh! I mean, can't we think it differently? Chances are, one could also be self-employed or explore more on other opportunities, right?
If you were thinking the same way as 95% of the people I mentioned, then you probably will continue working your ass out, slogging to death at work for the company you are working for, without realizing that you have wasted most of your time to get a small return just to pay bills and debts. The return is obviously important to all of us, but will it ever be enough to you? Are you happy to just continue earning this much till the day your kids greet you? Think again...perhaps, you will manage to find other routes that would further enrich your life, whether making you a happier person or even a wealthier person, that actually complements your current path (if this is the path you want to tread that will lead you to the destination you want to reach). After all, what is life without any improvements?
For me, I wouldn't want to regret and realize at the later stage of my life (when I become an old auntie?) that I have actually wasted years on something I don't like or on something that does not benefit me on the whole. Well, I actually don't regret quitting the job....but just feeling a little guilty! :P So, that tells me one thing. I should just focus on what I am currently doing now and hopefully, the outcome will be a good one. :)