Monday, April 17, 2006

The economic emotional slump

I’m always telling people I meet how great it is to be a woman. We could play multiple roles concurrently, by being a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother. We bleed every month but we don’t die because of it! We could have babies! We have our own instincts and it’s usually 95% accurate, that’s only if the lady knew how to use it! We could do this and that, but sometimes, I admit that it sucks to be a woman. Really.

Like I mentioned before, a woman normally experiences emotional fluctuations during her monthly cycle. In the 28 days of her menstrual cycle, she would have a mixture of feelings…always leaving her feeling uncomfortable and sensitive. She may feel agitated for no apparent reason.

At times, she would be very confident with herself and during that time, nothing could bring the lady down. She feels on top of the world and could possibly succeed in doing everything, so to speak. She would usually feel normal but at other times, she would suffer from emotional breakdown. It might be due to a third party (family members, friends, boyfriends, anyone!) or just herself. It might be worse if the reason was unknown.

It sucks having to endure emotional fluctuations. It makes a woman very sensitive, even to the simplest or tiniest thing. She gets irritated over minor things. She gets annoyed. She feels nervous. She feels insecure. She suspects this and that and at times, she even doubts herself.

Bleh. I hate to admit it but the article I read recently about the linkage between psychology and women is just so true. Due to the regular emotional fluctuations, women often thirst for assurance and security. Generally speaking, every woman wants to be loved and feel wanted (by everyone or anyone, not just a woman’s significant other half). Heh! That’s not what I think but it’s just what the article says!

Damn. It’s not easy to be a woman. =/

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