Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Invest in yourself

I've been busy lately, but that can't stop me from starting my passion on books again. Anyway, just thought of sharing something I read in the book with you today.

"Change is scary. It takes courage, and often arouses conflicts with the ones we love. That's probably why so many folks stay in the ruts they've dug, unhappily spending a good portion of their days wishing they could get out, but not being able to do anything constructive to make it happen."

"Getting from where you are today to where you'd like to be is rarely a goal that can be achieved instantly."

"To get what you want in life, you first have to make room. And that means letting go of the things you don't want, even though you may have invested a lot of time and money in them along the way. While this is often difficult, the benefits will make it well worth the effort."

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