Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Does a big age gap cause problems to relationships?

Previously, someone I was interested in told me that the six-year age gap was a problem. So the relationship didn’t work out between us but since then, I have been secretly wishing to be older. Most of the previous ones were four or five years older. Now, I really wonder whether it would be troublesome to date a man or men with a two-digit age gap.

If we were to put it in a nicer term, people would be saying, “Wow, you really like mature men huh?” but most nosy parkers would definitely ask this instead, “Wahh…why are you dating an old man?” My cheemui would definitely say this, “Why are you dating an uncle?” That donkey (the previous one) would say, “You like old dick! Hahaha” See what I mean here now? Not that I’m bothered with what others might say but what will my own inner self think of this whole issue?

Well, before you start assuming, I am still single at the moment, *ahem* ….but the thoughts of possible relationships with any of the new dates have been conquering the brain every once in a while. Not that I’m desperately seeking someone at the moment but dating a much older man could be a total different experience altogether. I’m not afraid of gaining the experience but I’m much more concerned with the possibility of really ending up with that person for the rest of my life. It’s just terrifying.

Sometimes, it may be fun to meet new faces every now and then, expand the circle of friends and date different men without getting into any serious long-term relationships but how am I to know that they’re not seeking a lifetime partner? Damn. This is scary. These few years, it’s been a valuable experience to jump in and out of short-term relationships as they have truly changed my mindset and perceptions on life. Well, even though I got hurt a few times and I was partly to blame, I have no regrets in all that.

Now, the problem is, I’m always reminded that I’m still young and haven’t played or explored enough. In other words, I am not ready for that kind of relationship yet. So, what happens if any of the new dates end up as the potential future someone? I’m going to be tied down and it’s the end to everything? Gosh! This is too scary. Besides, the horoscope predictions done by a friend stated that I'm going to walk down the aisle with a much older man in a few years' time. Aiihhh....how true is that going to be? Bleh. Too much of pondering is not good.

Time out. I’m off. It’s time to prepare for another three papers and once they’re done, it’s the end of my fifth semester! Hehe. Ciao.

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