Monday, June 23, 2008

Of stalkers and the extra friendly people

It's been a long time since I met any stalkers. This time, I wouldn't say this guy is into me...maybe not yet. But, the problem is...he's damn irritating. -.-

Initially, he was categorized under the extra-friendly category but somehow, I have just registered him in my potential stalkers list (A list of those to be avoided). It all started when that guy kept sending me annoying messages via Skype (we use it in the office, usually to discuss on cases within the team...but thank God, he's not in my team! Phew!). E.g. "How's Nemo?" (I've got a Nemo pillow at work), "Nemo said hello to me just now", "Wow, you're so yellow today" (I wore a bright yellow top the other day), "Are you sleepy there?", etc. Well, I can entertain all that OCCASIONALLY but I totally tak boleh tahan if people kacau me with such pointless questions daily. It's like...Hello?? Why so childish? Grow up!

To me, those questions I mentioned above sound very much like, "'re eating rice ahh?" or "'re going to toilet to shit?" I mean...if you knew the answer, why proceed to ask stupid questions? That will just make you look like a fool, no? Like I said, I can entertain these funny questions once in a while but not when I'm busy! I mean, if you didn't get any reply, then just tell yourself that the other person is not free and just shut up lah... It is as simple as that.

I thought I was the only one that thinks he's super irritating, but when another senior colleague told me how much the whole office hated him...I actually felt much relieved. At least, I am not the only bad person that felt annoyed with his presence. Hehe... Perhaps, I need to find some ways to ward off the idiot. I totally cannot tahan sticky-annoying guys that can never understand the meaning of busy and personal space. Mengganggukan.

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