Tuesday, May 08, 2007


People say I'm a very bad tempered person and I believe that I am what people say, only sometimes. They suggested anger management but I took it lightly.

...but yesterday, I was so angry over some matters that I nearly killed two idiots!

I seldom speak vulgar words in real life but if you were around yesterday, I bet you would be shocked with my fluency in vulgarities.

All the while, when I feel like shit, I would type things out in a Words document using my notebook. The things I typed or blogged need not necessarily be published in my blog (Yes, I have a lot of unpublished posts!) ...but since my notebook is temporarily dead, I can't even type a single word. I wanted to come here (computer lab) to release everything in my blog but I was too weak. Yesterday was really a bad day as I was also down with diarrhea and four times of toilet rush were enough to keep me tired.

I had no choice but to search around for other methods to control my anger. I didn't know I would be so angry until I lost appetite to eat. I can't even sleep. I can't do anything at all. Didn't even feel like talking to anyone.

Now, I feel so much better. What I did was simple. Watch a few of my favourite dramas (to get myself distracted) and get my ass to settle some of the problems.

Anger will never help if one doesn't get started on managing problems.

So who says I have problems with anger management?

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