Thursday, February 02, 2006

So you detected something??

Previously, I blogged about the radar detection and after a week, I think I really detected something after reactivating the long-dead detector. Detected more than one intruder actually! Keke...

Well, now...I could say that this is something weird. I don't know whether everything's going to be fine or not. It's something like you do get the excitements, but at the same time, the other side of you keeps repeating the same thing... "What's happening?" "What the hell are you doing?" "Don't even think of it" "Impossible!"...then, you become numb to everything once again.

It's just like the situation where you're quite eager to know something so badly that you put a little effort into it...then after some time, you suddenly stop when you realised that you've gone way faster than it's supposed to be and the bad news is that, history MIGHT repeat itself. That's the time when absolute silence takes over and you keep pondering whether you were just dreaming or you've really detected something. Or worse, you're actually unsure of what you're doing. And when you realised it, it'll be too late to save or prevent the two beating hearts from getting hurt. Hmm...stupid uncertainty!

Hopefully, yours truly is not fooling around this time. I don't wanna lose a friend or hurt him. I don't want history to repeat itself and get myself scarred again. Heh! Damn...guess I really think too much! *rolls eyes*

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