Saturday, August 12, 2006

Is that a mirror??

I'm dumbfounded. I read a stranger's blog just now (haven't read his blog for ages...busy ler) and I'm truly surprised to know that guys could be like that. And it's much more surprising when each word in his blog resembles the locked feelings in me. It has never occurred to me that someone would actually blog on something like that, the experience and also the feelings that are so similar to mine. It reminds me of myself, of how stubborn I am and that yours truly is actually in self-denial. Something that seems so true, so clear and yet, we're still denying it. The blogger. Me. And maybe, everyone else. Truly unexpected.

Erm, it's something like you've got a map but you're still lost? You can't help it. You doubt excessively. You worry unnecessarily. You continue asking yourself silly questions till you run out of topic or go off track. You visualise and really see what you don't want to see. You think of things you don't want to remember. You hear things you prefer not to listen to. Yet, it's already embedded there, in the brain. I wish there's a delete button for the brain.

I certainly know I can't delete and forget everything easily with just a click. Somehow, I'm still that stubborn. People say being stubborn is similar to that of perseverance and persistence but I'm definitely not persevering in that matter anymore. I may still be thinking but I'm not heading towards that objective. Okie, I have to remember that. Oh, maybe there has been a U-turn and yours truly is a tad resentful or is she up to something, like seeking vengeance?

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