Saturday, December 16, 2006

A day of superstition

Psst...tell you something but promise not to laugh ok? I accompanied a friend to meet a fortune teller today. Can you believe it? Gosh!

I really didn't expect myself to be sitting in front of the Uncle asking him silly questions that have no certainties or exact answers. In fact, I was just there...merely accompanying my dear friend but after her, it was my turn. Oops! Erm, maybe I couldn't resist being curious and was a tad desperate to know what the Uncle would say about me. After all, it only costs RM3 per session. Quite cheap huh?

So, when you're curious and suddenly A BIT desperate, you become superstitious....for a moment. I had two sessions, with the first being about career and second, love/relationships (I can't believe I asked about this! Gahhh!!!). Even though I was given pretty good answers to my questions, I still can't stop being the old me - a worry wart. The Uncle also said that I'm born to be lucky and prosperous *ahem*. So why am I still worrying each day? Hmm...

Damn. Have I gotten too superstitious? This is absurd...but it's certainly entertaining to hear compliments or good things about yourself. Hehehe.

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