Saturday, December 23, 2006

A sweet nightmare

After going through a sweet nightmare, I woke up feeling much better today. It was sweet yet sour, but I have no regrets of making such a hasty decision. No matter how blind I was, I still had to wake up to face reality. Even though I had secretly wished to own that present, the rational and realistic sides of me won the battle. Someone taught me a principle when I was young and it was simple. Never take anything that doesn't belong to you.

Some of you might be thinking that I was just being desperate and...possibly a little naive. Well, whatever you may say, I don't care much...but the truth is, I wasn't even searching for anyone when he found me. If it didn't leave any effects on both of us, I wouldn't be blogging about it, would I? Anyways, I'm glad that at least, it was a pure and sincere phase that blossomed unknowingly at a very fast pace into something more than friendship. During that period of time, a smile from ear to ear was obvious from day to night for both parties.

Whatever it is, I know I've done the right thing and I just hope that my decision has in a way helped the owner. Hopefully, he's coping well with the outcome. If there's something called "next-life" as believed by most Chinese communities, maybe that present would be mine...who knows? many times must I say it? I'm not a desperado ok? Bleh! Forget it. You won't understand a single bit of it.