Friday, December 15, 2006

To achieve equilibrium

Ever wondered why certain people are always blessed with lots of good things and never-ending opportunities while you struggle like hell just to get a tiny portion of what they have?

This might be a little jealousy, whatever you may think of but this isn't a case of blaming it on the surroundings as I still believe in the concept of paving the road to success by myself without any dirty tricks...(if possible). Well, it may sound a little naive but don't you think it's rather stupid to apple polish for the sake of publicity? You know...that kind of situation where you have to literally act like a dog and lick people's shoes just to popularize yourself? Gahh...I just don't get it. I hate over-exaggerating ass-kissers!

There's this numb nut at Uni who apple polished the V VIPs all the way to get to where he is now just because of the promised publicity by the lousy students' exchange council. Well, not that I care much about him but that numb nut is just another useless piece of shit. He has poor leadership skills and couldn't speak proper English. He's also bloody arrogant. The worst is that he's just an average student who often skip classes and also depend on others to do his assignments. He's such a loser! Actually, there are more bad things about him but I couldn't be bothered with that fatso's existence as he has always appeared invisible to my eyes...until the latest bulletin I received in my student portal's mailbox.

"Three student leaders have been selected to represent our Uni, together with 25 other student leaders from other local public Unis for a visit to UK's prestigious universities"

That fatso was one of those selected to represent our Uni as student leader? WTF? Leader?? My ass!! Idiot. So, he got selected just because he's the head of the overrated oh-so-lousy students' exchange council? So he got selected just because he had previously contributed buckets of saliva to successfully convince the brainless peeps? Aww...that's just bullshit to me! Ohh...have I told you before that the stupid council is also full of morons and cow heads?'s just true that birds of a feather flock together. Hah! Thankfully I'm not a part of them even though some of its members begged me to join!

Come again? You think that fatso is really a capable student leader? Ohh puhhhleeezzzeeee! I'm not debating that I'm a better candidate but he's just a numb nut who knows practically nothing! So why should we waste OUR money to send him there when he will only humiliate us? Oh yea, I heard there's a shortage of finances in all local public Unis but why are there enough money to send students to UK? So the gahmen is paying under a new fund? Hah. Anything that's possibly happening underground or whatsoever isn't really my concern as they still have a positive objective in mind...which is to promote our local products and liaise with the "branded" ones there. So, you could self-establish yourself as world class Unis just because of that? I smell bullshit!

Nowadays, people are getting more and more kiasu. So since I'm stepping out of Uni soon, it's totally none of my business anymore. I shouldn't give a fcuk to anything the V VIPs do coz even if we manage to increase the local Unis' ratings, the outcome would still be the same. The employability of the local products is still questionable. So, the focus is on fatso the numb nut. I'm just dissatisfied that a brainless person like him - my lips, he is really brainless - would be selected for such a grand thing! Gahhh...

Anyways, my point should be clear now. What I'm trying to say is that, from the moment we opened our eyes when we were born, the truth is we would automatically be greeted with the placard, "The world is not a fair place". Sometimes, it may be good to remain ignorant and stay happy as you follow the flow but at other times, it's still vital to be equipped with some preparation and stay alert to prevent any unwanted harm from the ugly side of reality. So, you need to fight for your rights and pave your own path to wherever you choose to go. The decision still lies in our own hands and we could still make a difference...but before that, there's a need to sidekick the numb nuts and cow heads out of your way to the land of losers!

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