Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Why are cows stupid and will remain so for the rest of their lives

I seriously hate to deal with cows. Oh no, don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate them but I just dislike having anything to do with them. These cows that are obviously brainless, do everything in a stupid way that will leave an impact on your mood. Yes, you got it right! BAD MOOD.

All the while, I thought it was some other reasons that the cows are still so lousy even until today, but guess I found the right answer to the long asked question. The cows just love to do stupid non-beneficial things before focusing on some other important things. They prefer to enjoy life first before having to slog to death. That clearly explains why they’re still so useless even until this very moment of the day. Forgive me for despising them!

Apart from hating to deal with cows, I hate to be forced to participate in non-beneficial activities. I mean, what’s the point of paying RM50 just to attend a two-day-one-night activity at another secluded place with lots of trees, mosquitoes and monkeys, a place that doesn’t even have telecommunication coverage? If it was a talk by some big shots regarding something interesting, or a workshop related to my final year project (FYP), then I would definitely be the first to register but it wasn’t. It’s just a typical out of campus activity organized by cows. So, what do we do there? Stupid things like, jungle trekking (Yes, I know it’s fun BUT I should be busy with my FYP rather than walking around with monkeys!), an impromptu stage performance by the participants (Obviously a waste of time! I’m already an Oscar-winning actress in my heart!), a motivational talk by Encik Tiada Siapa Kenal (I’m obviously too motivated to listen to him!), eat, sleep, shit, blah, blah, blah.

Isn’t that a waste of time and money? With RM50, I could splurge on many other things I love, …erm, maybe another great book, a brand new high heels or simply a treat to a meal for my family. Actually, I’m not complaining about the cash I have to pay but it’s about getting out from the jungle to get into yet another jungle that is way too ulu until the Yellow Guy of I Will Follow You from Digi’s advertisement won’t be interested to trail. Besides, I’ve got other assignments and tests coming up. So, isn’t it stupid to follow the cows blindly and be just as useless and brainless?

There are many other students who decided to join the useless activity just because 98% of the class is going. They’re obviously cowards. It occurred to me that these students probably have no strength in fighting for their rights or to have their words heard. They have no opinion, nothing to say…just follow everything blindly just to get the ever-desirable grade. No wonder we have so many local grads that can’t even get a job after graduation. The bad part is, most employers assume that every local grad is the same (including me!). Thanks to the cowards and cows for spoiling the good image of local products!

Seriously, I hate to follow what others do. Why need to tag along blindly just for the sake of pleasing the oh-so-good-but-actually-lousy lecturer? I may appear weird to the rest but who cares? I’d rather be different, by being one of the very few people who choose to focus and prioritize on other more important things than to jungle trek together with cows, penguins and monkeys. By conforming to what the others do, I’m obviously not contributing to the nation’s economy but I’m merely donating fresh blood to the mosquitoes for a free buffet treat.

Now, I’ve got a solid reason why cows are stupid and will remain so for the rest of their lives. Poor thing.

Damn. Really in a bad mood now! Don't know what to do and don't feel like doing anything also. Just don't feel right. Blame it on cows. Blame it on PMS. Blame it on no internet connection here on my notebook....stupid cheapo wifi! Grrr...

WTF? The reeking weirdo is sitting just beside me now at this computer lab! Of all places, why must he sit here?? Damn. Too smelly already. Gotta go now. Ciao.

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