I know, I know! I was supposed to post all these pics in January after my trip but I got infected with the procrastinating disease was too busy! Anyway, here are some of the pics taken during the three days two nights stand stay.

Look at the big bonsai behind us!

Beauties in the airport

The other side of the island...

The two
"sua pa kau" or
"suaku" who were very obsessed with the Nissan Sentra!

Hey, the two islands behind us are called Pulau Kentut Besar and Pulau Kentut Kecil. So, remember to fart when you go there next time! =P

You jump, I jump!

OMG! What's that??

The waterfall (Pic captured from the cable car)

Fear Factor...aren't you scared?? Oh no!! We're going higher and higher!

An aerial view from the peak of Gunung
Mai Cencang Machincang
Take two..."Nice ass!"

"OMG...I really need to kick you!"

Psst...she appears animal friendly! "Want some rabbit
poo food??"

Here boy, take some to
eat feed the rabbits

Chow Yuen Fatt loves this bridge! Don't believe me?? Go watch Anna & The King.

The same ass again...

Ohh...another sexy one! Gee, I think the photographer loves people's ass!

Another bridge featured in the movie

Girls! This would be the perfect size for your assets!!

polluted black sand beach

The set of miniature samurai swords the bloke bought to defend himself from the three crazy girls

Sea view from our hotel room

What the...?? Program Latihan Khidmat Negara over here on this beautiful island?? Hey...where's the application form?? I want to join too!!

Beautiful rocks and seashells

Eeuuww...what smell is that??

...and the girls became crazier...

...ehhh, he's really asleep! Let's see whether his nostrils are full of gold or not! =P
wey...y the faces covered up wan?? potong stim nia...cisss... damn tiao keh this cha bor...
what tiao keh?? *sheesh* I wanna remain anonymous ler...Kekeke =P
............ said gonna post pics, what kinda pics are these la? cheat ppl wan... bleh =P
LOL...these are still pics wat...just that u don't get to see the face of the pretty girls and the only guy in there! Hehe...
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