Tuesday, October 11, 2005

How I adapt to that sudden explosion…

So, how do I adapt to the sudden explosion??? The answer is simple.

“If you cannot fight against fate (this word again!!), then just accept and go along with it!”

“If you cannot win your enemy/opponent, then befriend him/her!”

My previous post has made many friends worried. LOL…Don’t worry, I’m ok! I’m very calm and strong remember??? In fact, I got myself adapted to the bad shocking news even before I post that article up. Well, just wanna express and release the frustrations. Come to think of it, EBIC is not a bad choice. So, I’ll just give it a try and who knows, it might even be better than my first two choices! See?? I’m optimistic ok! Anyways, I’d like to thank those who became ‘busybodies’ and eventually got worried about me. Thanks a lot. Even an SMS message helps. =P

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