Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A promise is a promise...

Shit!! I promised a few things the other day but I unintentionally broke one of them! It’s not my fault ok! It was not deliberately done!! The weirdest part is after you promise yourself something; it’s surely meant to be broken, in any way, USUALLY or ALWAYS accidental. Bloody hell! You think I purposely create those promises to break them??? Damn!

I’ve anticipated a clear, spotless mind after telling the whole world about my promises through blogging. Ironically, he came into my mind, this time, in fact a few times in my dreams. (Yes…I’m talking about that bloke again!! Shit!) WTF??? How stupid can that be, huh?? From the day I published that article, I’ve been dreaming of him for a few nights already! Stop pointing your fingers and blaming me ok! I DID NOT THINK OF HIM!!! But somehow, he came into my dreams. You definitely can’t control your dreams right??? So, don’t blame me! It’s really not my fault.

There’s one night when I dreamt of him calling. I could recognize his voice easily BUT I purposely woke up, in the middle of the night just to prevent myself from indulging in that dream. The moment when I went back to slumber, the dream continued!! Is it a bloody coincidence or what??? That dream made me feels stupid the next day! You tell me…how possible it is to continue a dream after you wake up???? Bloody hell, I thought I could get rid of him from my dream by waking up but ‘miracle’ happened and that dream continued!

I think this bloke will soon turn into a ‘nightmare’ if he continues to haunt me in my dreams! Come to think of it, I find it rather amusing! How likely is it for a person to dream of someone until like that??? And of all things, the dream can be continued after you wake up! WTH! I’ve never been like this, not even during those times when I missed him. But, this ‘nightmare’ has been regularly haunting me ever since I published that article! Luckily, it is not really affecting me from my focus in exams. Hopefully this ‘nightmare’ won’t have a long-term effect on me… Okie, time to go back and study as I still have three more papers to go!!! Oh I just can’t wait to be back in Penang on the 24th to die sleep, without setting the alarm clock!


Anonymous said...

Actually, u can control dreams to a certain extent... the technique is called "lucid dreaming", just do a search on Google and u'll find lots of articles on it... and btw from wat u write, seems that subconsciously u still can't forget him, or mebbe u're horny ;P

~Tiramisu~ said...

Heh??? I'm definitely not horny but u think I still can't forget him?? But, I haven't been thinking of him lately. Had even successfully deleted all the mushy mails he sent me, deleted everything connected to him. Oh well...