Friday, October 27, 2006

Haunted in the dreams...

It's strange. Each time a problem occurs and sadness or tears take over, he would surely appear in the dream. What's the reason behind it? Is there a hidden message or something?

He was there. It was really him. But strangely, I ignored him. I kept walking and he just followed, occasionally trying to grab hold of my right hand. He was trying to tell something but I couldn't hear a single thing. After some time, he was in front of me. I was following him instead. We were ascending an escalator but I didn't know where we were heading to.

I really don't understand. I haven't thought about him since that post but why did he appear in my dreams for the past two nights? The dreams weren't short ones. Surprisingly, I could remember everything.

Previously, he appeared in the dreams too after I screwed up the previous one and now, he's here in the dreams again after I end the game. What's the point of all that? Gahhh...What's wrong now? Was it a sign that I made the right choice of ending the game, or was it a wrong one? Aiihhh...this is absurd!