Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stepping stones...

It's been a while since I last talked about dreams. Just like anyone else, sometimes it is really difficult to keep the burning desires alive in you. Thanks to naysayers, peer pressures, family and personal obligations, unforeseen circumstances, etc. All the while, it feels as though there will always be something blocking your path, especially when you're trying so hard to relive your passion.

You possibly think too much for others until you've forgotten about your own self. You can never please everyone around you. Of course I can't be so self-centered and think for the benefit of my own self only but I guess I really need a balance in that sense. A win/win solution for every situation is definitely the ideal way to ensure a balance for myself and any other parties involved. Now that the passion is back again, I seriously want to pursue my dreams.

The journey of a thousand miles starts with small little steps. It may take years to reach the destination but the journey itself is just as important to develop who I'm going to be before I could finally reach there. The journey could be a bumpy ride, but with great enthusiasm, I know I could make it there. The destination is never limited to a certain place. It is all about the distance, the furthest you can go and also the effort you put in just to materialise those dreams. So it is best not to put a limit to your dreams. After all, knowledge is a lifelong thing. Learning just never stops even after getting a Degree.

It's great to relive the old passion and burning desires in me. Thank you, my friend (You know who you are). Just hope that by treading the same route, our journey would be a lot smoother. *Cheers* :)

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