Friday, February 02, 2007


I have lots of things to blog about but I was too busy for the past two weeks and I am still as busy as ever. Gahh. Anyway, just a release for the gazillion things in my rojak-ed brain, I seriously need to blog...erm, maybe just a few sentences for each topic.

Family support has always been the instant booster to one's mood. I'm glad Mum is actually encouraging me to go "there" and work. Well, Mum being Mum, I know she'll probably change her mind again, but for now, I'm happy to hear what she just said. :)

I guess it runs in the family blood because I hate apple polishers too. I despise people who would lick balls just for the sake of getting a moronic lecturer's attention in order to get a better grade in class. Ohh...losers are aplenty!

A male course mate who is a quite good friend of mine at Uni is showing some signs. Damn. I hate it when my radar detects anyone at unwanted times. I mean, I enjoy his company and am thankful that he has helped a lot but friends being friends, he's just not what I'm looking for. In fact, I'm not looking for anyone at the how do I show that I'm not interested? Gahhh....I hate this. I don't want to spoil our friendship!

I fell in love with a condo unit. I'm dead! Long-term commitment with a bank might start real soon!! Ahhh... *wakes up from dream* Alright! One day of day-dreaming is good enough. It is way too expensive. I can't afford it yet...will definitely buy one soon but not at this moment. *sobs*

My supervisor has approved my final year project's proposal. Phew. Now the report itself will get me too occupied until I won't have much time left to eat, sleep or even shit!

Time is passing at a fast-forwarded speed. It's the fourth week of my final semester now. Part of me is excited with the idea of ending my student life to join the workforce. Another side of me feels a little sad that I'm going to leave the jungle, (Gosh! I'm actually a bit fond of Uni already. Can't blame me coz I've been there since 2004!) and also my friends. Hmm...mixed feelings.

I think I better stop here before I continue yakking on other inane stuffs. Ciao.

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