Sunday, September 25, 2005

The monkey with lame pickup lines

There’s this monkey who always love to sit beside me in The Blocked Brain's class. He has been trying his very best to get my HP number…

Day 1

Monkey: Hai. Boleh berkawan?

Me: (I just smiled, but was thinking of this, “Go away you moron!”)

Monkey: Wahh, awak ni cantik la. Kenapa tak pernah nampak awak sebelum ini?

Me: (I just ignored him, and pretended to be stupid…)

I think I look too “exotic” with an over powerful command of Bahasa!! LOL…Initially, I got bloated till I nearly explode for being complimented as "cantik" since that I always consider myself a fat b*tch. But then, come to think of it again, he's a monkey!! Damn, why should I care about what ever he says? I wouldn't want to wear headscarves to cover up my beautiful, sexy hair! And that, I'll die if I have to stop pork consumption, meaning no more dim sums and char siew paus!! Gosh!!! So, this moron is definitely a no-no even though he has a 'boleh tahan' look! Hehe...

Day 2

Monkey: Hai. Awak dari mana?

Me: Penang

Monkey: Ehh, saya dari Penang jugak. Awak bahagian mana?

Me: Di tempat yang awak tak pernah dengar!

Monkey: Kat manalah? Saya kat Bayan Lepas.

Me: Saya cakap pun awak tak kan tahu, baik tak payah cakap!

Monkey: (Showed me his HP with a message on it, “Si cantik, apakah nombor HP awak?”)

Me: (I got very irritated as I was trying my best to focus in class… so, I typed, “Fuck off, idiot!”)

OMG!! I couldn’t believe that I really typed that! Actually, I learnt that from a Hong Kong movie, Conman in Tokyo I think, can't remember! Haha…I guess it’s a good way to ward off morons… From that day onwards, he dare not sit beside me anymore! ROFL…


CheezyCakeCraver said...

enable the word verification la... u got spammed de... this also if u consider me as *cough* spammer *cough*

no is enabled...but the spams still got thru...ahhhahaha.... blog ni dah bocorrrr

~Tiramisu~ said...

damn...i enabled it oredi ler...
stupid spammers!!