Monday, September 26, 2005

Wa Chin TOO LAN!!!

Damn!!! I hate to be like this you know! I've tried my very best to be cool, cool, BUT this idiot makes me HOT, burning like a furnace! I really feel like walking up to him and SLAP him, screw him in front of the whole class, left, right, up and down, front and back! How I wish I could throw him into a river, or better still if I get to kick him off the top floor of KOMTAR!

This dickhead is really a USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!!! I don't know how the hell he end up here in a university! He calls himself an undergraduate when he's not even doing a single shit in our group works! Fark!! All he did was writing stupid and crappy lame shit that are not relevant to the work at all! What an idiot! All he does here is to shake his legs balls!! Doing absolutely nothing besides giving lousy excuses!

Stupid shit! I really hope that he'll DIE DIE DIE far, far away from my world!!! Oh God, I don't mean to be so bad and please forgive me BUT he's really an idiot and I can't help it! Therefore, I really hope that I won't need to see his bloody face in my group again the next semester!!

Go away you idiot, PLEASE go and die far, far away! Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really sounds like you're living in a zoo... penguins, monkeys, dickheads... lol... just keep your cool, don't bring urself down to their level of thinking (i.e. animal instinct) and conviniently leave his name out of the final product ;P