Friday, November 25, 2005

Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah...kononnya!

My brain is still blank at the moment but I'm really disgusted with what I read in the newspaper and saw in the news on TV.

I don't know whether it's true or not, but how can the cops do that?? What's the point of the naked ear squats?? This is so scary! And it's getting out of hand.

If it's a normal graft issue like those we always hear, then at least it's not that shocking. Now, everything is getting from bad to worst! Lately, you see that kind of news regarding the so-called law enforcers almost everyday. These orang kuat are supposed to ensure the public's safety and security but look at what they've done! This is clearly a breach of trust between the society and the PDRM forces. So, do you still believe in their code of ethics as mentioned in their website? Adakah mereka betul-betul setia, berdisiplin, berwibawa, prihatin & mesra dan cemerlang?? (Sorry, my brain is nonfunctional today. So, can't translate...hehe!) Please refer to their website here. Now, it's really a big question. Would you dial 999 again if you had a problem? Can we really depend on and trust them now??

*Sheesh* My brain is still not functioning like it nomally does. So, I'm off! Ciao.

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