Monday, November 21, 2005

No Money, No Wedding!

Do you like the idea of mass wedding? You know...the kind of so-called wedding ceremony of more than one couple, and usually involving hundreds of newly-weds. It's quite popular in Malaysia these days.

A mass wedding ceremony was reported in the TV3 Nightline when I was watching news. All the while, when I stumbled upon any news article in the local dailies regarding mass weddings, I thought these newly-weds could possibly have the same mindset. A mindset of "the more, the merrier". So, maybe it's because these people wanted more people to join them on such a happy occasion and decided to get hitched, together on the same auspicious day. BUT, I was wrong.

When the TV3 reporters interviewed a few fellas, the newly-weds said that they decided to join the other couples in a mass wedding ceremony as it's much cheaper. It was really shocking and embarassing to hear that.

Excuse me??? You mean you want to marry your sweetheart but you don't have money???? If you have no money, then just forget about marriage! Come one, be realistic! It's your wedding day, and you only walk down the aisle once in your whole lifetime (unless you plan to divorce and remarry!). Even if you could save up a lot on a much cheaper wedding ceremony, it doesn't mean you don't need to spend on anything else after your wedding! What about your wife and kids??

Still remember that idiot, my course mate??? He once told us (me and other course mates) that he wouldn't mind borrowing money from the loan sharks or banks if he's not financially stable to marry his future wife. OMG!! That's even worse isn't it?

I would prefer not to marry if my future husband were to think that way. Serious. What's the point of getting married and be happy only on that day itself, knowing that you'd need to repay all the debts later?? That's really stupid! For all you know, you've got to pay the bloody debts all by yourself coz your man is unable to do so. And the payback of debts is going to take forever to end! Bless the lady if babies start joining her family!

For the sake of marrying your sweetheart, don't be so kiam siap, can??? It's going to be a great disappointment to her! Either you start planning and saving now or forget it! (Can discuss with her also lah of course) *Sheesh*


Anonymous said...

As they say... no money, no honey... =P ever wonder why there's no such thing as true love? cuz money's always a factor...

~Tiramisu~ said...

Hehe...Initially, I planned to use "no money, no honey" as the title! LOL...

Actually, it's not abt the absence of true love. It's just so sad that the after marriage life would be ruined if there's not enough money to support the family. So, for me...I'd rather tell my future man that wedding is not a necessity IF he has no money.