Saturday, December 17, 2005

What's the question again??

I nearly got a heart attack when I attended a meet up with some ex-schoolmates just now. Well, it has got nothing to do with those peeps I met (Psst...a few of them were those immature fellas who spread or believed the rumours but that's a different story altogether). I received a shocking message from this fella on my other hand phone but I didn't reply.

I didn't reply him coz that line has been dead for a month and I need to reload before I could make a call or send an SMS. Secondly, I didn't reply coz I don't know whether I should or shouldn't do so. Or maybe I just chickened out! Phew! Luckily he didn't call. Or else, I would be dead undecided whether I should answer the call or not.

OMG! So, he's back for the holidays. Now, the question is, "Am I supposed to tell him that 'It's over'?" *Looks up to the sky* This question itself reminds me of the conversation I had with The Great One the other day. *Feels guilty*

I just hate to think about this kind of thing, let alone make any decision regarding it! I'm expected to "kill" off everything even though there's really "something" or some kind of "connection" between us. Oh whatever. I think I should just act stupid till I get another message or call.

Shit! Why am I thinking of something silly when it's two in the morning??? *sheesh* I'm off! Ciao.

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